The role of SENDCo is becoming increasingly more overwhelming, to say the least. I know all too well how demanding the role can be, and how many different facets there are to the job. It can be a very rewarding role in school, and equally, it can be a complex web of paperwork, meetings, jargon and anxious parents.

With all my experience, I can offer a new-to-role SENDCo support in setting up systems to enable the identification of children with SEND, plus support with the writing of policies and website information. I can support in the setting up of systems for staff to use the graduated approach to SEND identification, and support with the writing of individual education plans (IEPs). I can also put together a calendar for the review of such plans.

I can also support with the completion and submission of paperwork for requests for Statutory Assessments (EHCPs); annual EHCP review paperwork; Team around the Family meetings and referrals to other agencies, such as the Neurodevelopmental Pathway.

I am experienced in chairing meetings for a range of situations, such as TAFs and EHCP annual reviews, and can either offer support in either setting up and/or running these meetings.

I am also available to step into the role of SENDCo should a school need one at short notice – please contact me for further details.