In order to ascertain where a child has learning needs, a 1:1 assessment should be carried out. A range of cognitive assessments (listed below), plus a detailed observation of the child in the classroom and in the playground, can provide valuable information which can be used to inform intervention and it can also be used as evidence of Specialist Teacher involvement as part of a request for Statutory Assessment (an EHCP).
This assessment would also include the voice of the child (if appropriate) and the views of the professionals working with the child. All this information would be drawn together in a comprehensive report, and recommendations for support would be included as part of the offer.
Single assessments can be carried out, and you can also book us for the whole day and during this time, we can carry out two in-depth assessments.
Assessments currently available:
Wide Range Assessment Test 5 (WRAT 5)
York Assessment of Reading Comprehension
British Picture Vocabulary Scale III
Basic Number Screening Test
Graded Word Spelling Test
WIAT II - Dyslexia Assessment
Wellcomm Speech and Language Assessment
Sandwell Early Numeracy Test
More assessments will be added soon.
Rainbow SEND Assessments are now able to offer a bespoke package designed to capture the current attainment of pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium funding. This package will use psychometric testing to assess the the levels at which pupils are working, and it will also offer a short written report, detailing the results of the testing and recommendations for intervention that can help improve individual pupils' chances of making accelerated progress.
The Department for Education have a duty to look at the progress of this group of pupils, given the amount of money that comes into school to support them. The Research Briefing for the House of Commons, written in September 2023, stated that:
'Key stage two, GCSE, A Level, and equivalent tests and assessments have all now resumed following suspension during the coronavirus pandemic. Emerging DfE attainment data suggests that the attainment gap between children attracting pupil premium, and their peers, has widened since the coronavirus pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, and according to the DfE’s preferred measure, the disadvantage gap had generally been closing at key stage two (end of primary), and had been relatively consistent since 2014/15 at key stage four (GCSE results). Nerys Roberts, Commons Library Research Briefing, 8 September 2023
Targeted assessment and intervention can help to close the gap that this report mentions. A bespoke report for each pupil will enable leaders and teachers to plan effectively in order for the gap to start to close.
In the Ofsted Framework (2019, updated January 2024), Leadership and Management will be judged on 'the extent to which leaders’ (including trust leaders’) high ambitions are for all pupils, including those who are harder to reach. This includes ..... that the way the school uses the pupil premium is founded on good evidence'. The framework further goes on to discuss 'Special considerations for evaluating Leadership and Management', and this specifically states that:
'Inspectors will gather evidence about the use of the pupil premium and catch-up funding (and, where applicable, early years pupil premium), particularly regarding:
the level of funding received by the school in the current academic year and levels of pupil premium funding received in previous academic years
how leaders and governors have spent the funding, their rationale for this spending and its intended impact on the learning and progress of disadvantaged pupils (including those with SEND).'
School Inspection Handbook, OFSTED, 24 January 2024
Carrying out a baseline assessment on each child in receipt of Pupil Premium Funding, be it Free School Meals, Ever 6, CLA, PCLA or Service Children's Funding, shows that school has a clear plan in place for every pupil. It shows that all abilities have been assessed, not just those deemed to be working below age-related, and as a school, you will be able to show clearly how some of the additional funding has been used specifically on each child.
Contact Rainbow SEND Assessments today to ensure your school is able to secure time for these assessments.